Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fun in the Sun

The Christmas and New Years celebrations were wonderful in Santa Rosa, California with my family and friends.  I had a great time visiting and catching up with all the news.  We shared good times, laughter, and conversations.  The days went fast, and we had a Bob Voyage party at a local Mexican restaurant.  Here are some photos of my family & friends enjoying the cool weather in Santa Rosa before I leave for MKLM Mission service in El Salvador on Wednesday.

 Nephew Gabe & I
 Gari, me & Hair
and below.


  1. Great pictures Mary Ann and it looks so beautiful there, those beaches are incredible. Is the water warm there like Southern Cal.? You don't say much about the food, I am wondering what they serve at your hostess house, I do hope that you are getting a good variety of food.
    I will send an email later in the week.
    Love Jean

  2. I love the market place and the people that are working there. God bless them they do work hard for their money don't they? I hope you received my email sent last week.
    I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Love Jean
