Sunday, February 13, 2011

La Palma

La Palma
Fernando LLort  Mural design
Oscar, our teacher amigo, me & amigo Pedro from Holland

Traditional oven for baking bread  - Delicious!!!
Salvadoran "La Palma" amigo Juan, grandma, & Pedro
     La Palma is a picturesque art village in the northern mountain area of El Salvador very close to the Honduran border.  Some friends and I from the language school took a local bus on Saturday.  The trip took 4 hours one way by bus up into beautiful pine covered hills.  An artist named Fernando LLort moved there in the 1970s to avoid the war violence.  He taught the local people to paint, and let them use his designs.  He has moved back to San Salvador, the Capital, and continues to paint.  La Palma today is noted for fine folk style paintings of local animals, houses, people, and nature.  I recently went to see a new exhibit of Fernando LLort, and I am starting to meet the local Salvadoran artists, writers, and musicians who have so much beauty and hope to share.  They are amazing survivors, and their stories are worth hearing today.

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