Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life(VIDA) in El Salvador

Traditional Weaving
                             Panchimalcho, a peaceful small town rich in Indigenous Indian Culture
     Our Spanish Language Class took a wild bus ride to Panchimalcho near the Capital of San Salvador.  The buses only cost .20, and they are called "chicken buses" because they stop anywhere along the road and the locals get on the bus with their chickens & things.  The people here are very friendly and beautiful.  They love to laugh at us "gringos" in a nice fun way.  My Dutch friend, Peter (Pedro) doesn't speak much Spanish or English, and he is so tall he touches the ceiling of the buses which makes everyone laugh.  Yesterday, on the way home, Peter fell flat on the floor of the bus because they drive crazy fast, and you must hold on for dear life when they make a turn.  We all laugh because the bus rides are like the thrill rides at Disneyland.  Panchimalco also has the oldest Church still in use in El Salvador, founded in 1725.  There is a wonderful Cultural Museum here along with kids dancing old local dances, and a lady who demonstrates traditional weaving.


  1. Nice photos Mary Ann. I'd sure like whatever the weaving woman is weaving.

  2. Dear Mary Ann,

    Your photos are great, well-composed, coming from the artist you are. It looks like you are already fully immersed in the culture and appreciate the humanity of the people you are living among.

    All the best to you! Faith

  3. Hi Mary Ann
    I am very glad to hear you made it to safely to your journeys destination. Nice pics, the church looks similiar to one in Havana Cuba i saw. Nice to know you can stay in touch with your family, friends and outside world.
    Hope you got a chance to hear the CD i left for you. Jean tells me all you have is cold water OMG! :-( that is just not good. Anyhow i will follow your travels adventures with great interest. Take care cheers, Maura

  4. WOW!!!!!!!!!! What a great blog you are creating, it is so much fun to go there and check up on you. You look great and seem to be having a lot of fun, but I am sure that you are working hard also. Please keep up the blog and know that we are all thinking about you.
    Love Jean
